Cleaning, Cleansing and Waiting

Had a nice, relaxing weekend. Saturday night went to meet the HC group to celebrate Spring. It was a very nice time. My dreams have been troubling. I dreamed of the black cat that was left behind when the neighbor moved out that we could never find. That it was around and hungry. I took it to its old home and there was food and water out for it to drink just as I left it when I first tried to find him. the food and water has been long gone since then and the cat was aggressive. I fear the cat is representing someone who despite my trying to help them is not really my friend. Since it is a black cat – I think it is someone I associate with the word witch. The dream is a warning. Just not sure who it is about. I have my suspicions.

Saw a coyote this morning on the way to work. It was huge. More the size of a large dog or wolf than a coyote. He was casually walking in the sunlight in one of the fields on the side of the road. Beautiful creature.

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